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Search for 'Trace Memory' returned 9 results.

Neuros Mpeg-4 Video Recorder 2: Free Your Media
game: Neuros Mpeg-4 Video Recorder 2
review | 03/13/06 | Shawn Rider
Neuros Technology has released a five ounce beauty called the Neuros Mpeg-4 Video Recorder 2. This little device is like a VCR for your memory cards: You can record any video input to Mpeg-4 format on a Compact Flash card or a Sony Memory Stick. This makes the Neuros Video Recorder 2 a very appealing device for any media-savvy PSP gamers, iPod Video owners, and anyone else with a media capable PDA. And the best part is that the Neuros player allows you to get the most from your media, enabling you to easily create non-DRM, mobile, versions of your DVDs and broadcast television shows. Check out Shawn\'s review here.
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The A-Z of Cool Computer Games Book Review
game: The A-Z of Cool Computer Games
review | 01/15/06 | Shawn Rider
The A-Z of Cool Computer Games is a robust survey of computer games and gaming history centered on the British gaming experience. As such, this book focuses on, mainly, European and British computers, games, consoles and arcade machines that were popular in the UK in the late 20th Century. For folks who fondly remember their old Speccy this is a trip down memory lane. For those of us across the pond, it\'s a peek into a wonderful bizarro-land of gaming: An alternate dimension of interactive entertainment that often intersects with our own gaming heritage.
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Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play Review
game: Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play Review
review | 01/06/06 | Shawn Rider
Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play is a collection of 21 classic games for PSP. Featuring arcade perfect ports of Spy Hunter, Sinistar, Defender, Paperboy and 720, there are also over a dozen other classic games which have been enhanced to support WiFi multiplayer. These include classics like Gauntlet, Joust and Rampage, but also the cult classics Mortal Kombat I, II, and III. It\'s a UMD full of nostalgia for some gamers, and a lot like what they\'ve already got on their memory sticks for others. Get the full review here.
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Trace Memory Review
game: Trace Memory
review | 10/12/05 | Laurie Taylor
Trace Memory for the Nintendo DS is a bold take on what an adventure game can be, and it provides a whole new take on the concept of \"all killer, no filler.\" Trace Memory clocks in at a very brief five or six hours, which is definitely not the norm in gaming these days, but those are some of the most enjoyable five or six hours we\'ve seen in an adventure game. Our resident academic gamer, Laurie Taylor, takes a look at this unique title.
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GP2X Official UK Site Launched
news | 09/20/05 | Shawn Rider
The GP2X is the ultra-open source successor to the GP32, which enjoys a cult following and a remarkably high level of development. The GP2X is a Linux-based handheld that can run virtually any Linux application, including hundreds of exisiting games. A flood of games is sure to be ported rapidly for this thing. And game developers looking for an easy way into a powerful system (2x200mhz processors, 64mb of system memory) will love the fact that the SDK is included in every box! Plus, this plays movies, reads books, plays music, views photos, etc. We wanna play with it!
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Dungeon Siege II
game: Dungeon Siege II
preview | 05/22/05 | Eric Bodrero
There haven't been many really great hack-and-slash titles since Diablo II left the stage a few years back. While the classic franchise exited in fairly good form, it left behind a void that's been taken on by any number of competent top-down dungeon crawlers. While a number of these attempts were solid, we're still waiting for the title that will help us forget just how good Diablo was. Dungeon Siege II attempts to improve everything it's carried over from the first game, and wipe Diablo from your memory. Eric sits down to lay out some of the details about how they intend to do that.
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Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection
game: Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection
review | 01/14/05 | Chris Martin
Not every game has to offer hours of pre-scripted gameplay, beautiful graphics, and brilliant voice acting in order to be good. In fact, sometimes what we need is a game that can be picked up, played for fifteen minutes, and then set aside without having to worry about any of those other time-consuming elements. Pinball Hall of Fame takes us a few steps down memory lane with a game that offers fun, addictive play for those times when a long-haul gaming binge just isn't what you're looking for.
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Nintendo Gamecube Info Roundup
Articles Archive | 05/20/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
While there were many points of interest at E3 this year, the most consistently really crowded booth was Nintendo's, where gamers flocked, nay swarmed, to see the GameCube. For those skeptics out there who think the general mediocrity of the N64 experience has soured gamers, witness the intense interest shown for the new system. Let's face it, the N64 has suffered from a general lack of titles, and some companies have released really terrible games for it, further causing pain to gamers who have been forced to pursue the "any port in a storm" strategy (Big Mountain 2000 comes to mind, er, flashes painfully across my memory). However, there have been some very good titles, and it's no mistake that the best titles on the system have been made by Nintendo and it's 2nd party developer, Rare. Nintendo is, in many ways, the Disney of the gaming world “ they have created and continue to create incredibly popular and lasting characters, who appear in all sorts of games and have firmly lodged themselves in the hearts of mainstream USA (as well as mainstream everywhere else).

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The PS2 Deal
Articles Archive | 10/30/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Okay fellow troopers, here's the deal on the PlayStation 2. We've been flooded with mails here at GF! asking about details regarding the PS2's memory, processing power, rumored bugs, and a lot more, but most often people have been wanting to know the simple, practical bits of info: Does it come with a demo disk? (No.) Does it come with a memory card? (No.) Will my old multi-tap work? (No.) While the technical details are interesting and provide fodder for those late-night debates about what system will be number one by what month and whose momma could whoop who at Tekken, it's those more practical questions that will hang you up.

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